Placenta Services
What is a placenta?
The placenta is the organ your body grows to help sustain, grow and protect your baby in utero.
The placenta is a unique organ your body grows and births with each pregnancy and baby. It is birthed in the minutes or hours following the birth of your baby and marks the completion of your birthing time. The birth of your placenta signals a huge hormonal shift in your body which begins the process of lactation and milk production.
We think placentas are magical but sadly, completely unacknowledged for all of their amazingness. In our culture, there is a lack of education around menstrual cycles, pregnancy, birth and postpartum, so much so, that a lot of people don’t even know what a placenta is, let alone how it is formed, what its function is and that it also needs to be born after the baby. So here’s TL;DR: your placenta begins to form alongside your little baby from conception and takes over sustaining your baby’s growth and health at 12 weeks gestation until the time that they are born. The placenta is typically about a sixth of the size of your baby and is responsible for providing your baby with oxygen and nutrients, as well as expelling waste while they are in utero. The placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus and attached to baby via the umbilical cord. After your baby is born, your placenta separates from the uterine wall is born (that’s right, you’re not done birthing until the placenta is born too!)
Call us biased, but we think you should keep your placenta, whether you intend to encapsulate it or not, just to keep your options open. There may come a day down the line where you feel called to use or honour your placenta, even if you don’t know what that looks like. For families who don’t feel placenta consumption is for them, many choose to have ceremony around their placentas, like burying their placenta under a tree or bush. There is something sacred and full circle about giving thanks to the amazing organ that grew and kept our baby safe.
We offer many different options for services to choose for your placenta:
Placenta encapsulation
Placenta tinctures
Placenta prints (blood & water colour)
Umbilical cord keepsakes
Placenta Services
The Full Monty - $395 (save $50)
Includes placenta encapsulation, print, umbilical cord keepsake & tincture
Placenta Encapsulation - $340
Placenta Print - $95 (+$35 add on to encapsulation)
Blood print
Umbilical Cord Keepsake - $95 (+$35 add on to encapsulation)
Tincture (4oz) - $95 (+$35 add on to encapsulation)
*A travel fee will apply to folks more than 30km from Michelle’s home in Langley
Book Placenta Services
Please fill out the form below to book placenta services. All instructions & details about our placenta services are outlined there.
Placenta FAQ
The placenta is the organ your body grows to help sustain, grow and protect your baby in utero. It is birthed right after your baby, marking the completion of your birthing time and signalling to your body that you are ready to start lactating.
Placentophagy is the act of consuming all or part of the afterbirth (placenta) following it’s birth.
More than 4,000 species of mammals ingest their placentas after birth. There are a few theories as to why mammals consume their placentas from their desire to escape predation to the potential benefits of consuming the hormone-rich placenta tissue to help them recover postpartum.
After consuming their placenta, mothers/birthers have reported:
decreased postnatal bleeding (lochia)
replenished iron and vitamin B stores
decreased need for pain medications
an early and continued healthy milk supply
increased postpartum energy
balanced hormones
decreased risk of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders (PMADS)
Studies show that there are no risks involved with ingesting placenta capsules. Any potential risk would come from the mishandling or improper preparation of your placenta pills. We take placenta handling and preparation incredibly seriously. Michelle prepares all placentas according to the stringent instructions from her IPPA training, and all of her processes are in line with OSHA Blood Borne Pathogens & Process Safe BC courses.
There are some reasons the placenta may not be safe for encapsulating (contraindications):
if your placenta has been taken to pathology or left your eyesight/hospital room. I cannot guarantee that the placenta has been handled properly or been introduced to bacteria or chemicals in the pathology lab. This renders it unsafe for consumption.
if the placenta is not refrigerated properly - your placenta must be stored properly in the fridge or cooler on ice within 4 hours of birth of placenta. See proper storage protocol below.
Uterine infection - it is ultimately up to yourself and your care provider to determine if your placenta is safe for encapsulation if you've been diagnosed with uterine infection during pregnancy. If infection is suspected but needs time to be confirmed, you can always freeze the placenta and encapsulate it once your results come back.
I am currently not encapsulating in my home if you have positive HIV, Hep A, B, or C results.
Heavy smoking, nicotine use, drugs (cocaine, heroin, and methadone), and alcohol use during pregnancy renders the placenta unsafe for encapsulation.
To date, there have been very few studies on placenta encapsulation and those that exist are quite small. Evidence Based Birth does a good job of summarizing what the research shows us to date, as well as what is missing.
Yes! Your particular birth choice or outcomes does not affect your ability to encapsulate.
HECK YES! About 1/3rd of your baby’s blood volume lives in the placenta immediately after birth. The placenta pulses your baby’s blood back into your baby. This process is important, and studies have shown that babies whose cords were left to pulse for at least 60 seconds had higher hemoglobin levels when tested at 1 year of age, than 1 year old babies who’s cords were immediately clamped after birth. Don’t let ANYONE take away your baby’s blood!
I will always try to pick up your placenta as soon as possible, usually within 4-8 hours after birth. I do not pick up throughout the night. If you birth after 9pm, you can connect with me by text and I will aim to arrive early the next day (after 9am). On rare occasions Michelle’s birth doula work and life commitments with her own children might impact pick up, and be next day but Michelle strives to pick up promptly or have a back up support pick up and store for Michelle in emergencies (Michelle will always be the one to encapsulate unless discussed and agreed upon with you prior).
Raw Method:
The raw method of placental encapsulation involves cleaning, draining of excess blood and cutting thinly into strips before placing in the dehydrator. Raw food activists believe steaming or heating the placenta before dehydrating could destroy some of the nutrients. Using the raw method creates a very nutrient and hormone dense capsule. It will also produce a higher yield of capsules. If you have a history of bipolar tendencies, anxiety or depression, you may need less capsules per suggested intake, which will also mean your capsules may last longer.
Basic Heated Method:
In the basic heated method the placenta is prepared using gentle heat to cook first, then sliced and dehydrated. This method believes that the warmth produced in the placenta through cooking will translate into the person who birthed after consumption, keeping their belly warm inside and out. Basic heated method yields less capsules than the raw method.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Method:
Chinese medicine is a philosopical medicine. It is based on one's view of the world. One basic concept is Qi which is translated as energy or life force. Typically warming herbs such as ginger, star anise and chili can be added to prepare in the traditional Chinese medicine method. Michelle does not use the traditional Chinese medicine method as we believe it should only be done in collaboration with a trained traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.
Amount of capsules varies depending on size of placenta and method used (raw dehydrated vs. basic heated method). The raw method typically yields 140-200+ capsules. The basic heated method typically yields 100-150+ capsules.
In terms of recommended intake, detailed personal instructions will be given and explained at drop off.Typical recommendations may look like the following:
3 capsules, 3 times a day for the first week
2 capsules, 3 times a day for the second week
1 capsule, 3 times a day for the remaining weeks.
It is suggested to keep some capsules for your first menstrual cycle, returning to work or any other times of stress you may encounter within the first two years after birth.
If you have an illness, fever, cold/flu or mastitis it is recommended to stop taking your capsules immediately. Continuing to take them could cause the infection to linger in your system longer. Once your fever or illness is cleared you can begin taking the capsules again.
If you are healthy but experiencing anxiousness, jitteriness, or insomnia, please contact me immediately as you may need to adjust your intake.
It is recommended to store your capsules in a cool, dark area, such as a cabinet. It is not recommended to store on a windowsill, in direct sunlight or in fridge due to high levels of moisture which can introduce bacterial growth. Capsules are safe for consuming until 2 years post encapsulation. 6 weeks after birth, it is recommended to store in ziploc bag in freezer. I write the 6 week date on your capsule jar for convenience.
Tinctures have an almost indefinite shelf life if stored properly and can be used years down the road for hormone stabilization and energy. It is a great option to relieve menopausal symptoms. After placenta has fermented for 6 weeks and only if needed, mother may take 7 to 10 drops 3 to 4 times a day. The best ingestion method is to put the drops under the tongue and hold for 60 seconds.
Tinctures are mainly meant for energy, transition, stress, hormone stabilization, and are therefore great for returning cycles and menopause.
The biological mother and daughter can also benefit from the tinctures. The biological mother of the placenta owner can use the tincture for relieving menopausal symptoms. Same dosage applies. The biological daughter of the placenta owner can use the tincture when menstruation begins for cycle stabilization and hormonal balance. Same dosage applies.
The mother may also give the tincture to a baby, 6 months or older for teething, transitional periods, stress and to boost the immune system. The dosage for a healthy child is 3 to 5 drops, once a day mixed with breastmilk, or water to dilute. You can also heat the tincture to burn off the alcohol. Do not exceed dosage. Homeopathic remedies are preferred for infants and small children.