Full Spectrum Loss Support
We provide compassionate support to families experiencing all birth outcomes.
Steph and Michelle are both trained Loss Doulas who are committed to holding space and supporting people through early birth (miscarriage), abortion, medical termination and stillbirth. Pregnancy and infant loss are subjects that don’t get talked about enough, especially before we enter our childbearing years. There is a lot of stigma and misconception around loss, which can lead to those experiencing pregnancy loss or infant death feeling isolated and afraid. Our hope as loss doulas is to provide individualized support to families, to meet them where they are at, and to continue supporting them in their grief and loss journeys as they find their way to a new normal. Our support can look like:
In-person, virtual and/or phone support
A safe space to share your thoughts and feelings, to debrief or process a diagnosis or experience
Appointment or procedure support
Labour support for a known loss
Help collecting information about your options and support in advocating for what you need
Help with creating a care or birth plan that will support you mentally, emotionally and physically
We provide loss support on a pay-what-you-can basis. We feel strongly that we do not want finances to a barrier for those who are seeking support.